martes, 21 de noviembre de 2017



1. Look and answer.

1. Is the underground dirty? No, it's clean.
2. Is the bus dirty? Yes, it is.
3. Is the river boat busy? No, it's quiet.
4. Is th bus busy? Yes, it is.
5. Is the bus journey to Greenwiche longer than the boat journey? Yes, it is.
6. Is the underground journey to Greenwiche longer than the boat journey? No, it is shorter.

2. Read. Write: True or False.

1. The underground is faster than the river boat: true.
2. The underground starts earlier than the bus: false (the bus is earlier).
3. The river boat is quieter than the underground: true.
4. The river boat is slower than the bus: true.
5. The bus is busier than the river boat: true.
6. The bus is slower than the underground: true.

3. Write aobut yoru fauvorite transport.

 My faouvorite transport is the train. It's alwyas clean. It's not very busy, and you can see lot's of things trough the windows.
 Mi transporte favorito es el tren. Siempre está limpio, no está muy ocupado, y tu puedes ver muchas "cosas" por las ventanas.
 (Por ejemplo...).


 1. Complete.

Go on foot (caminar, ir a pie).
Go by bus (ir en autobús).
Go by car (ir en coche).
Go by train (ir en tren).
Go by bike (ir en bici).
Get into a taxi / car (montar dentro de un taxi / coche).
Get out of a taxi / car (bajar desde dentro de un taxi / coche).
Get on / off (subir o bajar a/de un/a autobús, bici, avión.

2. Read and colour.

 1. The tallest man has got a brown bag (el hombre más alto tiene un bolso marrón).
 2. The youngest person has got a blue hat (la persona más joven tiene un sombrero azul).
 3. The happiest person is in a green car (la persona más feliz está en un coche verde).
 4. The diertiest car is red (el coche más sucio es rojo).
 5. The oldest person has got an orange coat (la persona más "vieja" tiene un abrigo naranja).
 6. The biggest umbrella is black (el paraguas más grande es negro).

 3. Find the tallest, shortest, oldest, and youngest people in your class. How do they come to school? (Encuentra la persona más alta, baja, "vieja", joven de tu clase. ¿Cómo vienen al cole? (con qué medio de transporte).

 1. The tallest person comes to school by bus.
 2. The shortes person comes to school on foot.
 3. The youngest person comes to school by bike.
 4. The oldest person comes to school by car.

 (Son ejemplos, hay más posibilidades).

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